The long-lasting intertwined ethnolinguistic developments of East Uralic speakers with Palaeo-Siberian populations makes it impossible to split up a post about the evolution of the former without discussing the fate of the latter.
External contacts with other indigenous East Asian languages close to the Altai-Sayan region and Circum-Baikal area are also relevant, but would no doubt turn this post series into an unending task. Therefore, I will focus on the western part of the Baikal Neolithic and Neo-Siberian-related ancestry clines, which seem more relevant for the ancient stages of Ob-Ugric and Samoyed developments.
For an easier read of a matter that is often too complex to properly visualize, I will divide this series chronologically, trying to repeat for each selected period/language group the logical sequence of (1) linguistics, (2) archaeology, & (3) population genomics, even though the quantity and quality of data might vary greatly depending on the age, discipline, and language group.
This is the current list of posts published from this series:
- Dene-Yeniseian, Eskimo-Aleut, and Chukotko-Kamchatkan
- Proto-Yeniseian Homeland
- Ob-Ugric Homeland
- See also: Proto-Hungarian Homeland
- Proto-Samoyed Homeland
- Proto-Turkic Homeland

Below is the bibliography collected for all published posts, especially those concerning linguistics and archaelogy. Recent papers on population genomics are frequently directly linked in the post using its DOI.
Please let me know if some reference from the posts is lacking here.
Akulov, A., Efimova, N. (2019). Hydronymy of Yeniseian origin in the basin of Oka river. Cultural Anthropology and Ethnosemiotics vol. 5, Nº 4.
Aikio, A. (2014). The Uralic-Yukaghir lexical correspondences: genetic inheritance, language contact or chance resemblance?. Finnisch-Ugrische Forschungen, 2014(62), 7-76.
Anderson, G. D., & Harrison, K. D. (2020). Hunter-Gatherers in South Siberia. In: Güldemann, T., McConvell, P., & Rhodes, R. A. (Eds.). (2020). The language of hunter-gatherers. Cambridge University Press.
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Eriksson, T., & Janhunen, J. (2015). On the limnonyms khövsgöl and kosogol and their ethnic implications. Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia, 2015(2), 89-99.
Georg, S. (2008). Yeniseic languages and the Siberian linguistic area. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics, 33, 151-168.
Golden, P. B. (2006). Some Thoughts on the Origins of the Turks and the Shaping of the Turkic Peoples. Contact and exchange in the ancient world, 136-157.
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Häkkinen, J. (2012). Early contacts between Uralic and Yukaghir. Per Urales ad Ori-entem: Iter polyphonicum multilinguae, 91-101.
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Janhunen, J. (1981). Korean vowel system in North Asian perspective. Han-geul, 172, 129-146.
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