Proto-Indo-European as Adamic language (or first human tongue)

We already talked about the theories that are out there in the Internet about the Indo-European language related to other hypothetical proto-languages. Well, I found a new one, related to creationism – not only to that of the American Mormons, but also to a Catholic Saint’s revelations, those of Anne Catherine Emmerich. The following text is taken from the Wikipedia Adamic language article. I thought it could be interesting to share it here, and thus let people compare it with Eurasian, out-of-India model, Paleolithic continuity theory, Nostratic, and the like.

The Adamic language is a term for the hypothetical proto-language believed spoken by Adam and Eve in paradise, either identical with the language used by God to address Adam, or invented by Adam as nomothete (name-giver, Genesis 2:19).

It is unclear whether the Bible assumes that this language was preserved by Adam’s descendants until the confusion of tongues (Genesis 11:1-9), or that it began to evolve naturally as a consequence of original sin (Genesis 10:5).

In previous centuries, many scholars believed that the Adamic language was Biblical Hebrew, and that all languages are descended from it. The Bible does not make a direct claim to that extent, however, and some Early Modern scholars based on Genesis 10:5 have assumed that the Japhetite languages are rather the direct descendants of the Adamic language, having separated before the confusion of tongues, by which also Hebrew was affected. The same is claimed by Anne Catherine Emmerich, that stated in her private revelations that most direct descendants of the Adamic language were Bactrian, Zend (Persian) and Indian languages. In this way Emmerich identifies Adamic language as Proto-Indo-European language.

[tags]hypothesis,Catholic,Anne Catherine Emmerich,Saint,Adamic,language,revelation,Bactrian,Zend,Indian,Persian,Genesis, Hebrew,nomothete,Babel,Eve,Adam,God,confusion,tongues,Bible,Japhetite[/tags]